Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Information on the Reunion...

Mark the reunion date on your calendars now! More to come but early details include:

- Mini yoga/pilates retreat with Kristin McGee (location TBD)
- Informal golf outing with Highland @ Riverside Golf Course
...- an informal gathering on Friday evening @ The Outback Golf Park

Family event @ Ross Park (Swimming & Picnic in the Park) with Highland
- Poky school tour
- Adults-only dinner at The Bridge (formerly Senang)

Farewell Open House Brunch @ Ruby Tuesday. Gather a large or small group of friends or just your family and come anytime between 9am-1pm. Kids Eat Free, Three-course from $10 for adults.

We will be reserving a block of rooms at the Clarion Inn (Formerly Holiday Inn), but feel free to book early. They will give us a discount/block rate when we can give them an estimate on numbers, so please let us know ASAP if you plan to attend.

Pay before June 1 and save money on all reunion activities! See invitation for payment details.

No snail mail invites are planned because we'd like to use those funds for the event itself. If you know of classmates not on facebook, urge them to contact me at 208-251-0855 or with their contact information. I'll use a mixture of Facebook, Blogspot, and email updates/prodding.

Speaking of funds...if you are interested in giving our once-in-a-lifetime event a little boost with a donation, please contact Thor Conley at Bank of Idaho, or 208-236-2963. Any additional funds will help defray overall costs and ensure that more of our old pals can attend.

It will be great to see you all! Until then...I'll be doing situps.                     

~Billie Johnson